Your Marketing Strategy Doesn’t Have To Feel Gross.

I was with my beloved in the ER a while back because…skateboards aren’t for grown-up ankles. During the banter with nurses and physicians, one of the doctors said, “Are you in medicine? You’re asking really good questions."  While I was honored, (flattered even) I felt self-conscious with my response, “No, I’m in marketing.”

I wanted to say, “I help business owners find their true essence and bring the soul of their work to the forefront.” That would have been a bit extra. But, the desire to defend my work really struck me. Why does the word marketing conjure up sleazy salespeople and silly TikTok dances for most of us?  Probably because generic marketing and advertising services rely on selling the audience instead of asking the right questions and offering a solution.

Asking really good questions is how I do what I do. And I'd bet it's also how you get your best customers. The biggest compliment I receive from clients is that I was able to identify the heart of their business and define how those businesses want to show up in the world.

When you think about marketing your business, do you cringe? Does it feel sales-y? Does putting your work out there feel overwhelming? That's because you're focusing on telling and selling rather than listening and asking the right questions. 

Sure, there are a million other (enter your profession here) out there, but none of them are YOU. None of those competitors bring the heart and soul to their work that you do. Your unique combination of gifts and experience is what sets you apart. 

Head down. Stay in your lane.

Share your gifts and talents with the people who appreciate you, and I promise it won’t feel gross.

Cheering you on,

Parts & Labor


The Time it Takes to Bloom


Turn Professional Envy Into A Productive Approach To Career Growth